The source code of the book is at link


The book is written so that a newbie Rustaceans can easily dive in the language and get productive as fast as possible

What this book is not

This book is not an attempt to teach you Rust, it simply provides question for practise, and it is not a tutorial


Where can I find solutions to the problems in this book ?

I have decided not to provide solutions to any problem in this book, you will have to use the long way(irc channels, stackoverflow, etc).

The reason for this is so that you have to study the whole concept rather than a part of it because I feel a lot of new learners simply go and check the solution after being stuck for the first time.

Though help will be provided in some questions as a form of hint

How can I be sure whether a question has a solution or not ?

Each and every question that appears in the book has been solved in at least in 1 way before making it's way in the book

Where can I find help ?

Some of the sources that are the most helpful are :

I am unable to solve so-and-so question, why ?

Mostly because you may be new to the language or to programming world itself, try again and keep on learning, you will be able to eventually solve them with ease


Some of the sources that might help you in learning Rust

The above resources are more than enough to help you learn your way into the world of Rust

Chapter 1 - Basics

  • Write a program to print Hello, World.

  • Write a program to print a block F using hash (#), where the F has a height of six characters and width of five and four characters.

  • Create a tuple to hold an i32 and f32 and then call the f32 value.

  • Take input(name) from the user of type String and print Hello, <name>!.

  • Initialize an array of sixteen 0

Chapter 2 - Expressions

  • Run an infinite loop to keep on printing Hello, World!.
    hint: you might want to use ctrl+c or ctrl+z to exit the infinite loop.

  • Take a integer input from the user and print table for that integer using a loop.

  • Print the following pattern using loops.

  • Check whether the input number is odd or even and print odd or even respectively.

  • Find and print factorial of a program using recursion.

  • Using a match statement to print one for input 1, two for 2 and so on, and NaN on default.

  • Create a diverging function for addition of 2 numbers.

  • Create a program to check for leap year.
    note: 1900 is not a leap year.

  • Write a function to swap 2 numbers.

  • Write a program to find prime numbers upto a number N

  • WAP to sort a list of numbers.

  • WAP to iterate over 2 vectors at once.
    hint: try using .zip method.

Chapter 3 - Structs

  • Write a program to store and print the roll no., name , age and marks of a student using structures.

  • Write a program to compare two dates entered by user. Make a structure named Date to store the elements day, month and year to store the dates. If the dates are equal, display "Dates are equal" otherwise display "Dates are not equal".

  • Write a program to add, subtract and multiply two complex numbers using structures to function.

  • Create a structure named Date having day, month and year as its elements. Store the current date in the structure. Now add 45 days to the current date and display the final date.

  • Replicate constructor function with name new() returning type Self.

  • Let us work on the menu of a library. Create a structure containing book information like accession number, name of author, book title and flag to know whether book is issued or not. Create a menu in which the following can be done.
    1 - Display book information
    2 - Add a new book
    3 - Display all the books in the library of a particular author
    4 - Display the number of books of a particular title
    5 - Display the total number of books in the library
    6 - Issue a book
    (If we issue a book, then its number gets decreased by 1 and if we add a book, its number gets increased by 1)

  • Create a generic struct for addition of numbers (they can be integer or float).

  • Create a struct with Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq traits
    hint: Use #[derive]

  • Create an immutable struct with a mutable member.
    hint: Use Cell, property known as interior mutability.

  • Try making the above program with RefCell so that the struct stores details about a bank(balance, customer count, location, etc) with only customer count being mutable.

Chapter 4 - Enum & Patterns

  • Create an enum that contains HTTP 4xx Client Errors.
    i.e. Not Found Should have value 404 associated with it.

  • Write an enum to store information of whether a person is a child or adult based on his/her age.

  • Create a calculator with the help of an enum named Operation that as values such as Add, Sub, Div, Multi.
    hint: For input like 2+5*10 it should first evaluate 5*10 and then add 2 to it.

  • Use pattern matching to associate a enum of Grade type with a student based on his/her marks.

  • Create an enum named Json that can work with arbitrary JSON data.

  • Print what kind of input the user has given(numbers, letters, symbols) using pattern matching.
    hint: Try using range for it e.g. 0 ... 100 or 'a' ... 'k'

  • Use pattern matching to find that whether a point lies on X-Axis, Y-Axis or on which quadrant.

  • Create a struct that holds info about a gun(gun type, recoil time, magazine size, extra) where gun type and extra are enums and extra contains silencer, scope, extended mags nad None.
    Based on user input change the value of extra (may cause change in recoil time and magazine size).

  • Create a Binary tree and have a method add on it to add elements to it and min and max to find the minimum and maximum element in it.

  • Create a Regex to extract dates from this string It was on 2019-03-14, almost after a year from 2018-02-11 and store in a Struct with fields of day, month and year.
    hint: Use Regex crate

Chapter 5 - Traits & Generics

  • Derive a debug trait to print info about your struct that contains name, c1ass and roll.

  • Create a generic function to get min of 2 values.
    hint: You might need to use Ord trait bound.

  • Implement custom Drop trait for a struct name Student that contains your name, age and roll number. It should return Roll number <roll number> has name <name> with age <age> and is a <junior/senior>. Being Junior or Senior depends on age (18 or above).

  • Implement a custom Debug message for the above Struct.

  • Implement custom Iterator trait for a struct named GeometricSeries that has 3 fields first_number, current_number and ratio of type i32. The iterator should return the next 11 numbers in geometric progression.
    hint: Use .take(11) to get the next 11 in for loop.

  • Implement the same as above for a FibonacciSeries struct.

  • Implement a generic function name sum with additional parameter of index: usize that can take either GeometricSeries or FibonacciSeries and returns the sum upto the given index.
    hint: use T: Iterator<Item = i32> where T is generic

  • Write a generic function name Multiply that multiplies all usize, isize and fsize type values.

  • Make a generic function to return the greater of the 2 given values (integer and floats).

  • Implement a trait named Hello with a default function say(&self) that prints Hello, <self>! , Implement this for str and string without providing any definition of Hello (simply impl Hello for str {}) call say on str World.

  • Create a struct name Set that contains a Vector of chars and overload the minus operator so that when 2 structs subtract it removes the chars of 2nd from 1st one.

  • Create a struct named ComplexNumber that has 2 variables re & im and overload minus and plus operator to add and subtract complex number.

  • Overload the ! operator to conjugate the complex number !ComplexNumber and == and != for comparison.

  • Create a struct named Class that contains the class size, section and grade. Overload the >, <, >=, <=, == operators to compare class sizes of various Classes.

  • Rust does not allow addition of integer and float. Overload + so that this is possible.

  • Implement custom Drop for a struct Hero that contains a field name of type string. The drop should print "Oh no !!! Our hero {name} is defeated". Run the program with just declaring a variable of type Hero.

  • Create the struct named World that contains the previous named struct Hero, define drop for it so that it prints "The world ends here !!!". Observe the order in which World and Hero contained by it are dropped.

  • Create a struct named Table that has a generic field legs_info of type T. Create a function (not a method) named show that accepts function parameters &Table<Display> and displays legs_info. Create 2 variables one that contains T of type String: "Work in progress..." and usize: 4.
    hint: use ?Sized.

  • Implement From trait for struct ComplexNumber given a tuple of type (isize, isize). Form it using from and into respectively.

  • Create a function that accepts either ComplexNumber or (isize, isize) to return the mod of ComplexNumber.

  • Create a closer add_one to add 1 to an integer.

  • Create an vec of numbers from 0 ... 100, mutate the vec so that it does not contain any number divisible by 3. Use retain method of Vec.

  • Create a function that accepts a closure

  • Implement a macro named addition to add any amount of numbers. Eg: addition!(5, 6, 57 ,56, 1) should return 125 and addition!(4, 9) should return 11.
  • Spawn 2 threads, one that continuously says Hello and the other that say World.

  • Find out the number of physical and logical cores in your CPU using rust. hint: try using num_cpus crate.