RAII with guards
RAII stands for “Resource Acquisition is Initialisation” which is a terrible name. The essence of the pattern is that resource initialisation is done in the constructor of an object and finalisation in the destructor. This pattern is extended in Rust by using a RAII object as a guard of some resource and relying on the type system to ensure that access is always mediated by the guard object.
Mutex guards are the classic example of this pattern from the std library (this is a simplified version of the real implementation):
use std::ops::Deref;
struct Foo {}
struct Mutex<T> {
// We keep a reference to our data: T here.
struct MutexGuard<'a, T: 'a> {
data: &'a T,
// Locking the mutex is explicit.
impl<T> Mutex<T> {
fn lock(&self) -> MutexGuard<T> {
// Lock the underlying OS mutex.
// MutexGuard keeps a reference to self
MutexGuard {
data: self,
// Destructor for unlocking the mutex.
impl<'a, T> Drop for MutexGuard<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Unlock the underlying OS mutex.
// Implementing Deref means we can treat MutexGuard like a pointer to T.
impl<'a, T> Deref for MutexGuard<'a, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
fn baz(x: Mutex<Foo>) {
let xx = x.lock();
xx.foo(); // foo is a method on Foo.
// The borrow checker ensures we can't store a reference to the underlying
// Foo which will outlive the guard xx.
// x is unlocked when we exit this function and xx's destructor is executed.
Where a resource must be finalised after use, RAII can be used to do this finalisation. If it is an error to access that resource after finalisation, then this pattern can be used to prevent such errors.
Prevents errors where a resource is not finalised and where a resource is used after finalisation.
RAII is a useful pattern for ensuring resources are properly deallocated or finalised. We can make use of the borrow checker in Rust to statically prevent errors stemming from using resources after finalisation takes place.
The core aim of the borrow checker is to ensure that references to data do not
outlive that data. The RAII guard pattern works because the guard object
contains a reference to the underlying resource and only exposes such
references. Rust ensures that the guard cannot outlive the underlying resource
and that references to the resource mediated by the guard cannot outlive the
guard. To see how this works it is helpful to examine the signature of deref
without lifetime elision:
fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T {
The returned reference to the resource has the same lifetime as self
The borrow checker therefore ensures that the lifetime of the reference to T
is shorter than the lifetime of self
Note that implementing Deref
is not a core part of this pattern, it only makes
using the guard object more ergonomic. Implementing a get
method on the guard
works just as well.
See also
Finalisation in destructors idiom
RAII is a common pattern in C++: cppreference.com, wikipedia.
Style guide entry (currently just a placeholder).